
Company News
CDEC Participates in “Standard Terms for Light Industrial Engineering” Compiling Kick-off Meeting
  • 2019/8/1
  • From:Chengdu Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Light Industry

On the afternoon of July 18, CDEC held the kick-off meeting of compiling the Standard Terms for Light Industrial Engineering. Wang Kangjian, general manager of CDEC, Yang Zhanshe, director of the technical quality department, and the experts who participate in the compiling of standards attended the meeting, and the chief engineer Lv Heming presided over the meeting. 

The revision of this Standard is established and implemented by China Light Industry Engineering Construction Association in the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The sub-industries involved are divided into six groups, namely, biological fermentation, food and beverage, pulp and paper making, light chemical industry, sugar making and good for daily use. Among them, our company participates in the work of four groups, namely food and beverage, pulp and paper making, light chemical industry and goods for daily use.

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